I love to go through garlic by the truckload. I find ways to include it in just about any and every savory recipe I use. I love garlic in all cuisines from Italian to Asian, to Indian. One of my favorite things to make is roasted garlic. I love, love, love it! It is so delicious.
There are so many reasons why people grow their own food these days – from saving money on groceries to knowing exactly what goes into your body when you eat something. But one thing everyone agrees on is that homegrown produce tastes better than anything else out there! It’s fresher, healthier, and more delicious than anything store-bought or restaurant-made could ever hope to be.
Once you have grown some garlic there are many ways to use it.
Repels insects like ants, flies, wasps, and mosquitos
Garlic has long been prized for its ability to repel insects. Whether you are spending time in your garden or simply enjoying a night on the town, garlic’s natural repellent properties will keep biting bugs at bay.
It is important to note that when consumed in large quantities, garlic can be poisonous. For this reason, it is important to keep garlic away from pets and children.
The ancient Greeks believed that garlic was an aphrodisiac, while ancient Egyptians believed it had its place in the afterlife. Garlic has been used as a food source for thousands of years. It comes from the onion family, allium, which also includes leeks, scallions, and chives. In several cultures, garlic juice has been applied directly to warts for at least a hundred years to kill the virus that causes them.
Great natural remedy for treating acne/spots
Garlic contains sulfur, which acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent to help fight against acne-causing bacteria like P. acnes. What’s more, garlic can help people with hyperpigmentation or dark spots caused by acne by acting as a preventative measure to further outbreaks and reduce pigmentation.
Deters small animals like rabbits, rodents, and deer
Ingredients: 4 cups of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of castile soap, and 10 garlic cloves crushed or finely chopped
Mix all ingredients together in a stockpot, then bring to a boil. Let simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain out the garlic pieces with cheesecloth or pantyhose if desired. Store in a spray bottle.
To use the spray, apply directly onto rabbits, rodents, and deer to deter them from your garden or vegetable patch.
Keeps slugs & snails away from your vegetables/garden plants
Garlic is used because it kills pests that eat plants or feed on them. Pests are insects, germs, or caterpillars that destroy vegetation. Insects that attack plants include aphids, nematodes, whiteflies, and mites. Insects like caterpillars that feed on plant matter are considered pests as well. Germs such as fungi can also be considered a pest because they often destroy the leaves or stems of plants.
Chemicals in garlic are strong enough to kill insect pests if the garlic is fresh. This is because garlic has a high sulfur content, which makes it an effective pesticide. The only downside to using garlic as a pesticide is that it can take up to two weeks for the chemicals in garlic to kill insects. Garlic works well against fungus so if you have fungus problems on your plants, use garlic.
Great natural cleaner (use garlic to clean your counters, sinks, and bathtubs)
Certain types of bacteria, such as E. coli and Salmonella, have been found to be more susceptible to the antimicrobial effects of garlic than other microorganisms. A 2009 study from the University of Nottingham found that a chemical reaction occurs when alliinase enzymes in garlic come into contact with alliin molecules that then turn into allicin, which is what researchers believe kills bacteria on contact.
These studies have shown that garlic may be more effective than many of the commercial cleaners you buy at the store, although comparisons of garlic to bleach are not recommended because of potential health risks. Garlic can work as a disinfectant for about two hours after applying it, but can still have an antibacterial effect for up to 30 days.
Keep in mind that garlic is only effective at eliminating microbiological contaminants, so it won’t do anything about grease or grime. It also has no effect on viruses like the flu or cold, which are transmitted through droplets released when an infected person coughs or sneezes. But if you don’t want to reach for toxic cleaning products the next time you need to give your kitchen a deep clean, all you need is garlic and water (plus maybe some rubber gloves).
Fights cold & coughs (eat raw garlic or crushed garlic cloves mixed with honey)
I was looking for a home remedy last night and came across a solution that many people have been using for years – garlic and honey. I’ve never heard of this being done before so I did some research on it.
Garlic is traditionally used to treat colds and coughs. It is also used as an antiseptic, diuretic, digestive aid, rubefacient to increase blood flow, aphrodisiac, sedative, stimulant, and tonic.
Honey has been used for centuries for its medicinal purposes. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, contains more antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables, promotes wound healing, boosts the immune system by increasing white blood cells, neutralizes free radicals that are natural toxins produced in the body.
According to studies, both garlic and honey are known for their positive effects on the immune system. When taken together, it’s said that they can help to fight viruses or bacteria.
Ingredients & Instructions
- Two cloves of garlic 1 tbs. honey
- Mix in freshly chopped garlic and pure honey to help balance the tartness and add a little zing to your immune system.
- Take once or twice daily, but no more than three times per day.
Keeps mice away from house/garage
Spread used coffee grinds in cupboards and corners of the house, rodents hate the smell.
A dash of garlic powder in cracks and corners can deter mice. Use garlic powder instead of fresh garlic for a longer-lasting repellent; fresh garlic will dry out and lose its potency.
Mice also hate the smell of coffee. You can use dry grounds or any coffee-scented cleaning product to keep them from running through your walls.
Never use mothballs or moth cake; their smell can not only repel mice, but also humans. Mothballs are toxic to children and pets.
Use garlic in cooking to lower blood sugar
One herb that may help reduce blood sugar levels is garlic. Garlic is known to help control insulin resistance and high blood sugar.
Two studies published in 2009 found that aged garlic extract improved glucose metabolism for patients with prediabetes or mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Another study found that taking a specific combination of garlic supplements reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 10% as well as HbA1c.
The compounds in garlic may help reduce blood sugar by improving insulin sensitivity and stimulating the release of insulin from the beta cells in the pancreas. Garlic has been found to lower triglycerides, LDL (unhealthy cholesterol), VLDL, and total cholesterol.
Garlic can be added to food or taken as capsules. However, the unpleasant smell of garlic often limits its appeal. Garlic supplements are available in many forms including dried powder, odorless tablets, and oil extracts.
There are multiple uses for garlic that you may not have known about. Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can help fight off colds, reduce blood sugar levels, and keep mice out of your house.
Throw away the toxic cleaning chemicals under your sink and turn to this simple kitchen herb instead. It’s safe to use around children and pets and will leave your home smelling fresh.
Garlic is a great natural addition to recipes or can be taken as supplements either in capsule form or powder form. So add some garlic to your cooking tonight and keep those unwanted visitors from coming back!